Critically analyse, customize and apply new training concepts | Can apply the National Association's pathway to the individual player
- Can explain in own words the principles of the National pathway
- Can explain the reasoning (give arguments) behind the National pathway
- Can link National pathway with the individual player pathway by identifying commonalities and individual specifics
- Can identify and explain the differences between own National pathway with the National pathways from another countries
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| Applying innovative training systems in order to maximize improvement
- Can explain in own words and apply the principles of new training methods (e.g. rebound training, core stability exercises, etc.) in relation with the competitive schedule of high performance players
- Applied training reflects player's immediate and long term tactical-technical-physical development
- Preparing players for specific conditions (i.e. High altitude by for example serving one step inside the court)
- Is aware and can use the new technologies applied in the tactical, technical, physical or mental training of high performance players
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Prepares a long term and short term plan for players starting from the initial evaluation. | Assists players in identifying their dream goal and creating an exciting, compelling vision of the future
- Together with a player, can develop 'realistic' goals related to the age/level of the player which will not limit player's 'dream' goals
- Can encourage and persuade a player to 'think outside of the box' (i.e. player creates own tournament plan in order to achieve ranking agreed with the coach, or developing own playing patterns which at present seems impossible to do...)
- Share player's 'dream' and can continuously keep it in the mind of the player
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| Plan the evolution of player's game based on valid performance analysis
- Can describe characteristics of player’s expected ‘adult’ game style based on actual characteristics
- Can describe characteristics of recommended present game style (when playing 14&U, 16&U or 18&U category) which will lead to the adult game style
- Able to give explanation for proposed game style based on prepared player profile (Can relate and integrate mental, technical, tactical, physical characteristics)
- From the match analysis can recognize and categorize player's characteristics in 'vulnerable, functional and weapons'
- Is able to define 1st, 2nd ... step in developing player's game by taking into account player's current skills and game understanding
- Can predict and define the expected outcome of the applied practice(s)
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| Uses match analysis methods for observing and assessing player's needs
- Can identify and give arguments for the important elements of a player's game to be observed during the match
- Can analyse a match of a top 5 National U18 player and provide solutions to help them as a match player
- Understanding and controlling match flow: Analyse the tennis match flow patterns using a variety of methods in different matches.
- Can use technological aids for the diagnosis and intervention procedures when working with high performance players.
- By tight matches to be able to identify the key / turning point (momentum)
- By comparing the current and past match analysis, information show players evolution and improvements in pre-set areas
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| Develops plans with both a clear vision and roadmaps to outline how they will be achieved
- Player's yearly program reflects the needs of his/her development pathway
- Coach demonstrates understanding of player's development pathway by using effective questioning when discussing a plan with a player
- Training and competition goals for different periods demonstrate existence of the plan
- Can link the related sports science knowledge with the plan proposed (i.e. by finding the related information in scientific articles or on the internet)
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Plan and manages quality of training (load, intensity). | Plans training blocks which link to the annual plan
- Goal of the preparation, competition and recovery phase is obvious in proposed plan
- The competition plan is reflecting player's level and agreed goals (I.e. desired improvement in ranking)
- Can adapt the competition calendar in case of unforeseen circumstances, i.e. injury
- Can modify training blocks and adapt annual plan in relation to player's development/current status
- Applies the principles of training concerning the load of training (Volume, intensity and recovery periods) according to the different blocks
- The plan and applied drills take into consideration the surface of the next competition period.
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| Can plan and individually vary the training contents, methods and means in a systematic way
- Can prepare 'plan B' and apply the training in relation to the accelerated or slowed down improvement compared to the initial plan
- Coach reacts to player's frustration/failure immediately by applying another/successful option
- Coach can identify the element which will 'unlock' player's abilities/game (i.e. technical improvement which will significantly increase effectiveness in a player's game)
- Coach can relate the selected improvement with all other elements of player's development
- Coach can explain and link the on court and off-court fitness training (i.e. not to double up the work on the same ability)
- Coach devises a weekly plan that respects the various physical parameters development/effort relationship between them (i.e. time between 2 speed sessions, etc.)
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| Can design and run training sessions (individual or group) within set time frame
- Links training goals with the applied drills and is able to estimate the time needed in order to achieve the goal
- Coach can plan/anticipate individually necessary work:rest ratio in reaction to the goal of the session and adapt it during the session according to player's actual performance
- Session plan contains the elements related to the goal of the session
- Coach involve player in designing the session plan by discussing priorities according to his game
- Coach can provide the accurate information about the training task and also the feedback needed in each case
- Can control, explain and adapt the load applied in the training session/drill, by using objective methods (i.e. hart rate measurement according to the pre-set performance goal(s))
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Establish leadership and communication relationships | Communicates effectively to individuals and groups in a way which engages, excites and empowers.
- Players show that they understood the purpose of the drill by giving their full commitment
- Coach uses different ways to transmit the information (verbal and no verbal)
- Coach has continuous eye contact with player(s)
- Players show (non)verbal approval and enthusiasm
- Can adapt the leadership/communication style when working with boys or girls
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| Listens constructively and uses questions effectively to foster learning and independence
- Coaches' ability to listen is demonstrated by the players freely approaching him/her for feedback etc.
- During practice coach summarizes what the player said on a regular basis
- Coach shows attention through eye contact and (non)verbal signs
- During a rest break in practice there is a dialog between a player and a coach (i.e. coach checks for understanding)
- Coach has the ability to empathize with a player by showing understanding (i.e. how player feels)
- Coach uses a series of open but directed questions
- Coach uses effective questioning in order to create 'deliberate practice'
- Practice is fluent (no rushing) and drills are applied in cooperation between a player and a coach
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| Manages emotions and behaviours in challenging situations to achieve successful outcomes
- Coach is motivated during every practice with a player (on or off court)
- Coach can observe and analyse own emotions
- Can foresee effective solutions for challenging situations by defining possible options
- Can express self in challenging situation and still maintain the working relationship (i.e. by controlling paralanguage)
- Can define good timing and choice of environment when discussing the challenging topics
- Can identify situations where coach and player can discuss with empathy
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Uses a range of coaching skills to help players develop and master skills effectively | Sets SMART goals and criteria for success during on court sessions in order to ensure optimal challenge
- Can justify the goals and contents of a session
- Specificity is described in such a way that no questions by a player are needed
- Coach always makes sure the player knows the goals and the usefulness (is agreed)
- Can set goals and apply drills which will foster 'moving the borders' by constant competition with himself
- The session goals are related to the player's way to win the points
- The goals are set in relation to the level of motivation (actual performance level)
- Can compare and keep track of the success of each session in relation to the criteria he has set up
- Player's attitude reflects deliberate practice
- Coach reacts with effective adjustment of the drill to players frustration or boredom
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| Uses an integrated approach when developing skills
- Understand and apply the principles of complex training as they apply to the training of high performance players
- Can relate mental, technical and motor skills with tactical situations
- Can link together mental, tactical, technical and motor skills with player's performance (strengths and weaknesses)
- Can apply drills which combine practicing i.e. technical and mental skills at the same time
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| Develops and delivers training sessions that reflect the challenge of both developing and maintaining skills during the year
- Coach can relate the drills with improvement of game effectiveness (instead of continuously correcting weaknesses) in order to keep high level of acquired skills during the competitive period
- Applied drills ensuring the high quality practice of developed skill (quality is player's 100% commitment to the teaching point reflected in understanding, physical and mental presence)
- Can recognize, describe and give an explanation for the observed fluctuations in player's standard of the skill
- Can adjust the current and/or following practice(s) by applying effective drills accordingly in order to reach the present level of the skill
- Can apply quick fixes in preparing for and during tournament
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| Is able to conduct one-to-one training for high performance players
- Can warm-up player for the match by playing from the base line or at the net
- Coach is able to create the situations by basket or coach rally drills, which could 'harm' partner's game (i.e. creating advantage/winners after opponent's neutral shot to the middle, big number of same specific patterns for a player...)
- Can adapt the feeding to the players needs and/or next opponent
- Coach can create needed game situation (appropriate rhythm and pace) with the player when standing in same area
- Coach is able to give feedback and direct training while keeping up with the player during the exercise
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| Individualises coaching sessions by taking into account age, gender, as well as player's personal preferences
- Can identify and explain the key characteristics of adolescence development
- Coach is aware of player's personality by adapting practice (i.e. warm up according different temperaments...)
- Coach is aware about the preferred learning style of the player
- Coach is able to adapt his communication according to the age and gender differences in order to keep player committed to the pre-set goals
- Coach is able to involve player in creating practice by asking questions or reacting to player's preferences
- Can differentiate and explain the differences in the applied training load (i.e. for 15 versus 19 year old players)
- Drill selection demonstrates coaches' understanding of differences between girls and boys
- Drill selection demonstrates coaches' understanding of players' skills and ability to perform at a pre-set level
- Tournament program clearly demonstrates coaches' knowledge and understanding of player's current status and requirements
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| Creates a high intensity and physically challenging session in which a high volume of balls are hit
- Coach is able to combine the agility and endurance training in developing technical, tactical and mental skills during the tennis session by keeping the focus on skill quality (i.e. until player losses movement coordination)
- Demonstrate understanding of the 'interval high-intensity' training principles by applying appropriate work:rest time in relation to the developed skill
- Player stays focused in order to conform to the feeding frequency and placement
- After a series of shots the player shows the need for recovery
- The frequency, rhythm and the number of balls hit per player during the session are related to the volume and intensity needed to develop the skill
- Can adapt the level of intensity according to player's reaction in order to last the whole of the session
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| Adapts sessions according to periodization, current priorities and recent results at competitions
- Coach keeps records of players well-being and shapes the sessions as observed and/or spoken about
- The applied drills reflect player's differences in playing the game in different environments (i.e. on different surfaces, altitude, opponents...)
- Applied training session shows respect to upcoming competition and players immediate development needs
- The skills of the selected training match partners are related to the pre-set goals/needs
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| Can progress and regress a practice when necessary in order to maintain a teaching point at an optimum level of challenge
- Coach reacts to player's drop in quality (not doing well enough), when executing a drill by recognising the cause and effectively adapt a drill in order to maintain the quality of the practice
- During the training session coach is able to vary the level of drill difficulty in order to address specific teaching point
- Applied training tools demonstrate the intention to move back or forward in order to develop and then stabilize a teaching point
- Coach interrupts a drill or finishes it earlier in order to address a previously thought point which is not satisfactorily performed
- Coach can keep effective level of training by differentiating task depending on players' skills/ability
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| Provides feedback that moves performance forward
- Coach can list different ways for giving feedback
- Coach recognizes 'the breakthrough' in skill development by making player aware that s/he accomplishes the goal and supporting the further effort
- Feed-back is related to player's way by which he/she wins majority of the points
- Player is confident in his application of task demanded (knows what is expected)
- When asked after practice ends, player is able to precisely describe their understanding of what they were working on
- Coach uses positive feedback whenever possible
- Coach's timing of feedback is linked to players (non)verbal signals
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| Can demonstrate all strokes including footwork
- Coach's level of play should be minimum ITN 4.
- Coach is able to explain and simultaneously demonstrate a stroke / footwork by shadowing and in the rally situation.
- Coach playing ability is sufficient to demonstrate all strokes and movement requirements in various paces in order for player to get a clear image.
- Coach can accomplish the action asked of the player.
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| Can feed effectively e.g. hand feed, live feed, game situation
- When conducting group or individual sessions coach is able to set up the drill (game situation) by rallying with a player 'from one place' (not running around!)
- Coaches' understanding of the situation is demonstrated by their ball quality during feeding (i.e. speed, frequency...)
- Feeding ball quality and coach position on court should reflect (as close as possible) realistic game situation
- Can create realistic situation/demand for high-performance players by using at least basket feeding.
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Develop tactical skills | Can observe and assess player's game style
- Can recognize strengths and weaknesses of a player important for his game style
- Match charting form should show player's tendencies (offensive, wait and see, etc.), preferred areas to play from (distance from the baseline) and play to, point winning shots etc.
- Coach is able to create patterns and variations of patterns of play related to the player's game style based on observed strengths
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| Can develop 'smart' players able to impose their game
- Can develop player's game strategy by creating practice and tactical drills related to different playing conditions (e.g. sea level, high altitude, indoor, outdoor, etc.)
- Can develop game style with related strengths and set-up shots for the player by identifying skills for creating favourable situations or defending when in unfavourable situation
- Can create player's awareness of weapons and patterns by using match charting and effective questioning
- Coach can choose and apply suitable patterns for a player's game in order to counter opponent's game style
- Understand tactical (high percentage) 'rules' and can create drills for applying them in the game.
- Can create awareness by the player that effective decisions consider different clues (i.e. player(s) position on the court, incoming ball qualities, own and opponent's weapons and weaknesses)
- Can create drills for a player to practice planning 1-2 shots ahead; applying a practiced response when situation occurs (i.e. rally deep and at 1st opportunity push opponent with sharp cross shot to create an opening on the other side)
- Coach can identify the 'decision clue' which is not used by a player and improve decision making skill be applying effective drill
- Coach reacts to lack of understanding by a player (when making decision) by discussing with a player or proposing another option
- During practice and match play player looks to impose their game whenever possible (opponent permitting)
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| Can link tactical intentions with related technique in all game situations
- Selected technique is related to the tactical intention in specific game situation (offensive, neutral or defensive)
- Coach can create the specific game situation related to the selected tactical intention in order to apply effective technique
- Coach applies positioning and feeding to either offensive, neutral and defensive situations
- Adapts feeding to (re)create tactical situations with related intentions
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| Can develop players with awareness of and ability to control match momentum
- Coach can recommend the way to play the next point in order to create, keep or turn the momentum around in relation to the match score
- Player independently adjusts their game according to the actual momentum in the match
- In tight matches, coach is able to identify the turning point (momentum) during or at least after the match
- Can identify the patterns of play related to match momentum (i.e. when opponent show visible signs of mental fatigue, player applys high percentage decisions)
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Develop technical skills | Can observe and describe a player's technique, identify what it needs to be and then describe the 'gap' to be bridged
- Coach can link the technical development with player's game style, own patterns, weapons and the body type
- Is able to describe high-performance technique by using biomechanical principles
- Applied observation demonstrates understanding (and has) the framework for assessing player's technical effectiveness (i.e. is able to define the elements of the technical effectiveness)
- After evaluating effectiveness coach can:
1. identify the reason why a stroke is not effective
2. if reason is technical candidate can identify the cause of it
- When communicate a drill, coach is able to convince, involve and motivate player to adhere to task
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| Can develop technical skills through muscle relaxation
- Coach can identify tensed muscle
- Coach can identify agonist and antagonist muscles that are involved in a given movement
- Applied drills make player feel the difference ( i.e. timing - more power without more effort)
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| Can design and apply effective correction / improvement of technical skills
- Upon practicing player demonstrates improvement in shot effectiveness
- Can improve effectiveness of the stroke in a given(limited) time (i.e. a 3 week preparation period)
- Technical improvement objectives are directly related to the shot effectiveness in particular game situation
- Coach observes player's technical skill in the tactical context. After ensuring the understanding of the 'purpose', coach designs a drill for developing desired skill
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| Can assess and prepare reports (verbal and written) regarding the technical skills of a player
- Proposed technical improvements are related to player's game style
- Technical report links technical skills with effectiveness of the stroke
- Technical analysis is based on analysing the function of the stroke (and not the form)
- Coach is able to identify the technical breaking point for the player in all possible situations (when the player loses control -goes beyond the 'technical breaking point')
- Report shows coaches' understanding of the players development objectives in particular period of training
- Report contains methods and drills carried out in order to address the identified 'technical breaking point'
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Develop fitness level (together with a fitness expert) | Can link the player's physical programme to performance in matches
- Coach can link the specific physical needs with player's game style and body type
- Can identify physical deficiencies and/or start of decline in performance during the match
- Coach can design on court fitness drills in which the players train speed, power and endurance related to their game style
- Coach can design drills for developing specific motor ability in relation to a game situation (i.e. speed for serve and volley)
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| Can guide a player in injury prevention and conditioning programmes using scientifically based training principles
- Coach can recognize the movements which lead to overloading of muscles and joints by taking into account the age and gender differences
- Can prescribe the practice volume by taking into account the initial level of a player
- Applied time between drills allows enough time for muscular recovery (number of repetitions/sets and resting time is related to developing speed, strength, endurance...)
- Can construct warm up routines for training and competition
- Coach applies training intensity and duration by taking into account player's limits (i.e. creating muscle stiffness)
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| Demonstrates an understanding of the energy systems in designing and implementing on court drills
- Coach can select and apply related intensity, work:rest ratio, number of repetitions/sets when developing speed, strength, endurance…
- Coach can apply strength training by combining tennis-specific on court with general off court drills
- Present the drill to the players in a way that inspires effort and is linked to their performance when they compete
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| Observe and correct fundamental techniques in key physical competencies for tennis
- Can recognize and correct elements of the movement which can lead to injury on court and in the gym
- Can recognize and apply effective corrections in order to maximize movement effectiveness
- Coach can improve technique by using physical fitness drills i.e. use basketball to develop upper body rotation, leg drive, etc.)
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Develop mental skills | Develops the player as a 'performer' in all exercises and activities
- Coaches in a way that helps to develop an intrinsically motivated, self-reliant learner
- Can use the full range of autonomy-supportive coaching behaviours to develop healthy motivation in players
- Can explain the interactions of social factors with high performance training and understand their complexity in developing individual player
- Can transfer responsibilities that will foster development of player's autonomy and self-motivation
- Coach devises drills in which player demonstrates ability to take their own decisions when required
- Coach organises practice matches that promote autonomy and independency using scoring system, initiative taking etc.
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| Can develop the core psychological skills of concentration, commitment, confidence and control during practice and competition
- Can profile a player and identify short and long term psychological goals which relate to their overall game
- Through an understanding of psychology can identify the underlying issues to be addressed by a player
- Demonstrates understanding of the foundations of good mental skills by fostering them in training programmes
- Demonstrates understanding of the relevance of healthy environment on psychological skills by managing player's peers, parents and the wider team
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| Can develop psychological skills using a range of appropriate techniques such as: self-talk, imagery, routines, goal setting and 'artificial stress'
- Coach can lead a player in developing of particular skill
- Can explain why the applied drills should develop specific mental skills i.e. 20 seconds relaxation after point or drill played
- Coach demonstrates understanding of developed skill by reacting to the player's drill application (i.e. take time and not rush to start next point when working on emotional control)
- Can adapt, teach and train a between point routine for players
- Can design drills in which player faces one or more match stress factors: 'score training', 'limiting the options', 'threatening with consequences', 'forecast training, mandatory tactics (i.e. must hit the winner)'...
- Can create point playing drills in which player has to respect a specific action with corresponding reward/penalty depending on result i.e. always at 15/30 must go to net and loses game if loses point, but only 30/30 if wins point, etc.
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| Understands the danger of 'burn-out' and uses a range of strategies across all areas of the player's programme to minimize the risk
- Coach can create both demanding and relaxed situations in the same training session
- Player's training and competition program ensures maintenance of freshness vs. fatigue; demonstrated by player's attitude
- During daily training sessions coach can detect excessive mental fatigue in player and adapt the drills in order to restore player's effectiveness
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Planning the competition | Can prepare annual competition plans.
- Know and understand the regulations of the different ranking systems (ATP, WTA, ITF Juniors, TE) for high performance players.
- Understanding the volume of competition necessary to acquire the right amount of competitive experience and reach the pre-set ranking goals.
- Coach can list the key international competitions for different age categories.
- Annual competition program is balanced with development by taking into consideration age, playing level and development needs.
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| Can reorganize plans according to tournament results and performance
- Can use tactical knowledge from match analysis to design tactical content and make weekly, monthly, termly and seasonal tactical plans for a group of players.
- Can give examples and arguments of adapting the plan according to tournament results, days before next match, player mental and/or physical fatigue, equipment needs etc.
- Coaches daily plan during tournament reflects current needs (i.e.. what's needed for the next match).
- Can create the training during tournament period based on player's short term performance oriented needs.
- Plan demonstrates coach's understanding of current situation related to match results, number of days before next match, player mental and/or physical fatigue
- Coach can incorporate the fitness training according to the result during the tournament week.
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Manage the team | Can organize team matches: travel, housing, team selection and other staff
- Coach can arrange the travel by taking into account length of journey, potential jetlag, climate change etc.
- Coach can speak at least one foreign language and in preference English
- Coach can relate different types of players to the expected opponents game and the surface for the team matches
- Propose budget for travelling with a team or a player (for at least 3 weeks in the row)
- Provide the trip schedule and evidence for arranging the traveling tickets and accommodation/food during the trip
- Provide a balance sheet after travelling with a Team or a player
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| Informs player(s) about visas, vaccination, traveling arrangements etc.
- Coach demonstrate the knowledge where the information can be found (i.e.. regarding visa requirements...)
- Knows where to find the information related to the vaccination needed in particular country
- Can prepare the traveling plan for a team (i.e. for four consecutive tournaments) by taking into account the available budget, length of travel, arrival and departure times…
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| Can manage tournament entries and withdrawals
- Provide evidence of computer literacy (i.e. prepared documents in excel, word, using internet)
- Know when to prepare, send and check players' entries
- Know when, where and how to deal with the withdrawals
- Know when and how to prepare and send requests for wild cards
- Coach demonstrates knowledge about the rules pertaining to tournament entries and withdrawal of the various competition levels in which his players participate
- Coach has plan with all tournaments documented, dates of entries deadline and withdrawal deadlines as well as the tournaments to which the players are entered
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Coach at competitions | Can prepare players for matches and personalise preparation according to opponent and conditions
- Can scout effectively to design an effective game plan against a future opponent
- Can use effective pre-match mental preparation strategies to bring out the ‘performer’ e.g. when:
- - under-dog (e.g. playing a seed)
- - favourite
- - overly anxious
- Has knowledge of regeneration techniques especially when travelling.
- Coach can use a clear match charting document for player' s understanding of opponents game
- Coach can identify and give arguments why s/he choose particular time for talking to the player (i.e. before the match )
- Is able to grab and keep player's attention when talking with a player (i.e. by explain the tactical plan for the next match)
- During practice the day before the match, coach can identify and create drills for practicing the key shots and game situations to familiarize responses related to opponents game
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| Supports player(s) by observing, match charting and cheering
- Demonstrates a variety of ways to analyse the match flow
- Can create match charting in relation to player's game style and pre-set goals for the match
- Can extract relevant information from match charting
- Coach attitude during match fosters reassurance and is encouraging
- Coach attitude encourages player's autonomy while at the same time is providing support to player
- Coach selectively charts match to provide all necessary information for player's understanding and training guidance
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| Conducts effective post-match evaluation after e.g. big win, big loss
- Can present the collected data in an organized way
- Can apply following routine in match evaluation regardless of the score:
Q1-What went well
Q2-What did you learn
Q3-What you would like to practice if you would play tomorrow the same opponent
- Coach uses video-clips for players enhanced understanding of his performance
- Coach can pinpoint effectively the areas of player's effectiveness and ineffectiveness (i.e. when using FH to direct game vs. not using, when immediately moves opponent vs. taking his time to do it, when takes time between serves vs. rushing)
- To be able to define a message/learning agenda with max 3 learning goals based on the match evaluation
- Can extract positive training guidelines from the competition whether the player won or lost.
- To be able to create 'constructive' mood regardless the match outcome
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Manage training during the tour | Can organize both in and out of competition: scheduling tennis and physical sessions, booking practice courts, sparring and doubles partners, balls...
- Ensure hitting partners are selected and used appropriately for the training of high performance players.
- Players daily program shows a effective plan with objective to keep up and improve players next match performance
- Coach can incorporate the fitness training according to the result during the tournament week.
- Coach's preparation organisation demonstrates the proximity of next match (i.e. if match is next day or next week)
- Coach demonstrates understanding of the organizational requirements by covering all needs for player to only worry about performing (i.e. doubles partner if required, restaurant for dinner, transport, booking courts, finding practice partners etc.)
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| Can implement a physical training programme during a competition week possibly set by a physical trainer
- Understand relationship between fitness training and match play by being able to explain and motivate the player to do it
- Knows and can work on fitness components according to the number of available days between the tournaments by applying appropriate volume and intensity and taking into account the necessary recovery time
- Can apply needed intervention during the drills in order to create quality practice (i.e. correct body posture and movement technique)
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Manage a Programme | Can prepare and present performance plans/programmes for 'big clubs', performance academies, regional and national associations
- Can set up realistic goals based on SWOT analysis of the available players and resources
- Coach can describe different pathways toward professional tennis
- Can describe the links between different areas/programmes in the academy, regional centre etc.
- Program includes short and longer term objectives
- Coach demonstrates understanding of needs to be covered by preparing the memo and the action plan after discussion with officials and short visit to the site
- Can prepare a budget for the proposed plan/programme
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| Understands and can manage the wider team around a player(s) (family, agent, medical team, physical trainer, psychologist, National Coaches)
- Coach is able to describe player's current situation in life (career, private life...)
- Can choose people, delegate the responsibilities and make them adhere to the project
- Coach can describe his role/tasks as the team leader and relation with each individual in the team.
- Coach can describe the roles of the other persons affecting the players well being: doctors, fitness trainers etc.
- Can set up goals and agree about them with the whole team
- Can create and manage team timetable.
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| Can prepare and present reports to officials, National Association, sponsors and other team members
- "Can write effective reports to:
- player
- coach
- parents
- federation or academy"
- From the report should be visible 'why this coach' was good to accompany a player/team (i.e.. Specific match preparation, specific match evaluation, how coach manage player's self-confidence...)
- Able to present info in a way that recipient can understand and acknowledge by relating it to particular area of interest
- Coach reports are brief and clearly written indicating precisely the matter concerned
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| Is able to manage communication with media
- Coach is able to communicate effectively in English language
- To package positive, energetic and condensed information by extracting the most vital ones (i.e. from match, private life...)
- To understand the demand made by the public on media by being able to write 'back page' headlines (i.e. XXXX powers through the semi-final...)
- Coach communication with media is informative and at the same time discreet to the players private matters
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Evaluate a Programme | Can evaluate the progress of the plan and discuss the effects with a player/team
- By recognizing achieved and not achieved objectives, and proposing possible improvements, coach demonstrates ability to evaluate the applied plan
- Can create and agree the agenda for discussion with a player
- In discussions with player, coach demonstrates knowledge of the physical parameters and game understanding to foresee and evaluate the effects a particular training may have
- Coach can foresee several possible replies from player/team for questions related to training and competition
- In order to find out and understand player's point of view, coach is able to help player to express what he has experienced and gained, in their own words
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Manage talent identification programmes | Apply National Associations talent ID protocols and evaluate acquired data
- Can describe and explain the reasoning behind the concept of the national Talent ID system
- Can list the key elements of the Talent ID for different age groups
- Coach can interpret the testing results by taking into account the national and international norms
- Can explain the results to the player and their environment
- Coach can select players based on talent ID criteria defined by the National Association
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Educate players, assistants and other members of the team | Can plan and organize the educational programmes for (assistant) coaches and other team members
- Has a plan for when to conduct the program
- Has written down learning goals for other coaches
- Can define and explain the key elements which create stress for parents and other team members
- Can create strategies for coping with stress for each member of the team
- Can identify and communicate the learning opportunities presented by the teams experiences
- Coach can explain the WADA testing procedures
- Coach understands and can explain the difference between the allowed supplements and doping
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| Can coordinate and conduct meetings, lectures, presentations and workshops
- Is in charge of time management in the meeting by including all participants, limiting available time and summarising the key points and define actions
- Set up agenda and supporting materials in relation to the topic(s) for the meeting
- Coach's organisational ability is demonstrated by the ability to foresee the needs for the meetings, lectures...
- Selects the people, which are relevant for the topic to be discussed during the meeting
- Can design a program of Continuous Coaches Education for themself and those taking part
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| Educates player(s) about doping, match fixing, gambling and fair play
- Coach makes the player reflect and player subsequently demonstrates understanding
- Develops with a player their own personal, viable definition of life on Pro tour
- Coach makes sure player has read all pertinent documentation
- Coach knows the doping assessments procedures and has fundamental information of forbidden substances
- Coach knows where to find the ITF match fixing procedures
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Evaluate own coaching | Can critically analyse, assess and reflect on personal coaching
- Prepares own SWOT-analysis and knows where to find the information needed to improve
- Can describe and build-up on 'strengths'
- Can identify what /how to improve in areas which were not described as strengths
- Coach is able to constructively listen about and discuss the possible improvement in their own coaching
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| Plans and organizes their own training and continuing education
- Coach is able to describe the vision of the coach s/he would like to become in the future
- To define the steps, materials, assistance necessary to become that coach
- Has a (written) plan containing what, when and where will be done in relation to own continuous education
- Coach plans work schedule to allow free periods to participate in workshops, seminars or further advance in education degrees (from level 1 to level 2 etc.)
- Coach can take part in discussion with other coaches and exchange training and generally game understanding information with them
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