Title | Independency | Hours with Tutor | Player Level | Player Level (ITN) | Standard Task | Additional Information | Resources Used (Books) | Resources Used (Video) | Resources Used (Web/Other) | Number of Tutors |
HTA Level C | Yes | 80 | Beginners & kids
| 8 | | | HTA Level C (books & ppt), PTR Coaching Manual, PTR Kids Tennis, Munchkin Tennis, ITF Tennis 10s, ITF Play and Stay Manual | HTA Mini-Tennis | www.mtsztenisz.hu | 6 |
HTA Level B | Yes | 120 | Intermediate | 5 | Coaching elite players/Club director | | HTA Level B (books and ppt), PTR Coaching Manual, PTR Junior Development, ITF Coaching Manual Level 2, Tennis Books of University of Sport | HTA Mini-Tennis, HTA Tennis Biomechanics | www.ptrtennis.org, www.tennisone.com, www.tennisicoach.com, www.tennisplayer.net | 12 |
HTA Level A | Yes | 150+ University of Sport | Up to 14&U performance players
| 2 | Coaching in big clubs/regional centres | | HTA Level A (books and ppt), PTR Performance, ITF Tennis Psychology, ITF Tennis Biomechanics, Coaching Tennis Successfully, Tennis books of University of Sport. | HTA Tennis Biomechanics, Complete Conditions for Tennis, Doubles Tennis Tactics | www.tennisone.com, www.lta.com, www.usta.com, www.tennisplayer.net, www.mtsztenisz.hu, www.ptrtennis.org, www.itftennis.com, www.tennisicoach.com | 16 |