General Info
Country: Sweden
Federation: Swedish Tennis Association
Contact Name: Henrik Ekersund
Telephone: +46 (8) 450 43 10
ITF Recognition: Silver
Number of Licensed Coaches: 2000
Gender distribution of employed coaches: Male/Female (%): 75/25
Part-time/Full time (%): 80/20
Licensing Scheme
Coaches Licensing Scheme: Yes
License Types: Certified Coach (45 ECTS-credits), Professional Coach (120 ECTS-credits), Senior Coach (180 ECTS-credits), Master Coach (240 ECTS-credits)
License Fee:
Period of Validity:
Procedure for renewal:
Other details:
Course Framework
TitleIndependencyHours with TutorPlayer LevelPlayer Level (ITN)Standard TaskAdditional InformationResources Used (Books)Resources Used (Video)Resources Used (Web/Other)Number of Tutors
Platform - Assistant CoachNo16 + 80(*) Work placed learningAll levels of players: child/youth, recreational, player development, high performance. Organizer: Club or regional federation. Task=Assist other coaches, organise and run trainingSwedish Sport Conf. Idrottsledare för barn och ungdom SISU Idrottsböcker (2011) Elphinston, Wolmesjö Basträning för barn SISU Idrottsböcker (2011), Larsson (2000) Tennisteknik Holmbergs, Play & Stay mwww.oncourt.se100
TGU 1 - CoachNo32 + 160(*) Work placed learningAll levels of players: child/youth, recreational, player development, high performance. Organizer: Region federation or University. Task=Plan, organise & run training (1 season).Hallén, Jostein & Ronglan, Lars Tore (2011), Träningslära för idrotterna Team Danmark (2006) Talangutveckling, SISUIdrottsböcker. Schmidt, Richard & Wrisberg, Craig A. (2001) Idrottens rörelselära SISwww.oncourt.se14
TGU 2 - CoachNo32+160(*) Work placed learningAll levels of players: child/youth, recreational, player development, high performance.Organizer: Region federation or University. Task=Plan, organise and fulfill training (1 season) Hallén, Jostein & Ronglan, Lars Tore (2011), Träningslära för idrotterna Team Danmark (2006) Talangutveckling, SISUIdrottsböcker. Behnke, Robert & Glad, Anette (2008) Anatomi för Idrotten SISU, www.tennisicoach.com14
TGU 3 - Certified Coach (45 ECTS credits)No32 + 160(*) Work placed learningAll levels of players: child/youth, recreational, player development, high performance. Organizer: Regional federation or University. Task=Plan, organise, run and evelaute training (1 season)Hassmén, Peter & Hassmén, Nathalie (2008), Idrottsvetenskapliga forskningsmetoder .SISU Idrottsböcker, Högberg, Jan-Ola (2008) Effektiv idrottsträning, SISU Idrottsböcker, Hwang, Philip & Nilsson, Bjöwww.tennisicoach.com14
University Programme - Professional Coach (120 ECTS credits)No400 + 1600(*) Work placed learningAll levels of players: child/youth, recreational, player development, high performance. Organizer: University in cooperation with national association. Task=Plan, organise, run and evaluate training (www.itslearning.com30
University Programme - Senior Coach (180 ECTS credits)No320 + 1280(*) Work placed learningAll levels of players: child/youth, recreational, player development, high performance. Organizer: University in cooperation with national association. Task=Plan, organise, run and evaluate training dwww.itslearning.cpm30
University Programme - Master Coach (240 ECTS credits)No320 + 1280(*) Work placed learningAll levels of players: child/youth, recreational, player development, high performance. Organizer: University in cooperation with national association. Task=Plan, organise, evaluate and develop trainiwww.itslearning.com30
Tutor Education
Continuous Development Programme: No
If yes, give more details:
Resources given at training courses:
Entry Requirements:
Do you run formal Tutor courses? No
For which coaching levels do you run tutor courses?
How long does the course take?
National Coach Association
National Coach Association: No
Affiliation: No
Name of NCA:
Contact Name at NCA:
Number of NCA Members:
Annual Fee:
Entry requirements:
General Activities:
Benefits / Other information:

Coaching Competencies

Coach of Beginner and Intermediate players (ITN 6 and under players)

Coming Soon

Coach of Advance Players (ITN 3 - 5)

Coming Soon

Coach of high performance players

Coming Soon