General Info
Country: Ukraine
Federation: Ukrainian Tennis Federation
Contact Name: Marina Ibraimova
Telephone: +380675261399
ITF Recognition: Not recognised
Number of Licensed Coaches: 860
Gender distribution of employed coaches: Male/Female (%): 60/40
Part-time/Full time (%): 25/75
Licensing Scheme
Coaches Licensing Scheme: Yes
Eligibility: Accomplished University for Sports - tennis coach
Benefits: Possibility to be an official coach UTF (Ukrainian Tennis Federation)
License Types: Categories (2, 1, high)
License Fee: Depends of categories
Period of Validity: 5 Years
Procedure for renewal: Upgrading from a category (72 hours Course)
Other details: Actual education framework was established in 2007 and modified in 2010
Course Framework
TitleIndependencyHours with TutorPlayer LevelPlayer Level (ITN)Standard TaskAdditional InformationResources Used (Books)Resources Used (Video)Resources Used (Web/Other)Number of Tutors
Specialisation for kids tennisYes60Beginners & kids 10Valid only with accomplishment of University for SportsITF Tennis 10s Manual & STI Teachers'
Specialisation for 14&U playersYes72Up to 14&U performance players 5Coaching elite players/Club directorValid only with accomplishment of University for SportsITF Advanced Coaches Manual2
Specialisation for 18&U playersYes85Up to 18&U performance players 1Coaching in big clubs Valid only with accomplishment of University for SportsITF Psychology, ITF Technique development in tennis
Tutor Education
Continuous Development Programme: Yes
If yes, give more details: All tutors must attend all development courses held twice per year and organised by UTF. They must be University teachers (Master or Doctor diploma)
Resources given at training courses: ITF Advance Coaches Manual, DVD, books (national, international), Internet, info from NUPESU)
Entry Requirements: UTF selection
Do you run formal Tutor courses? No
For which coaching levels do you run tutor courses?
How long does the course take?
National Coach Association
National Coach Association: Yes
Affiliation: Yes
Name of NCA: Coach Council of Ukrainian Tennis Federation
Contact Name at NCA: Marina Ibraimova
Number of NCA Members:
Annual Fee: None
Entry requirements: Accomplished University for Sports - tennis coach
General Activities: Organizing continuous education; Keeping records about licensed coaches, accomplished specialization. Distributing new information about coaching, organising annual conference.
Benefits / Other information: The Coaches' association in charge of the above listed activities since 2010. Registration on international tournaments, possibility to be an official coach UTF.

Coaching Competencies

Coach of Beginner and Intermediate players (ITN 6 and under players)

The coach of beginner - intermediate tennis players is defined as a coach who is able to effectively and safely coach players of this level of play on his own and may work under supervision reporting to more qualified coaches and, if needed, supervise assistant coaches.
For further reference, the competencies defined for the course of coach of beginner - intermediate tennis players fall into the “coach” category of the Long-term coach development model.

Learning outcomePerformance criteria 
Apply ethical behaviourDemonstrate professional behavior.
  • Apply the Code of Ethics.
  • Is focused and well prepared throughout the duration of the course
  • Develops cooperative working relationships with other course candidates.
  • Dresses in a professional manner
 Manage own timetable.
  • Is punctual to all activities and completes all assigned work on time.
  • The coach is able to create a weekly schedule for his work (conducting lessons, admin work, meetings etc.).
Apply a coaching philosophyApply principles of Learner centered coaching.
  • Defining goals in agreement with the player.
  • The session plan as well as the applied drills reflects the individual needs in skill development (i.e. 'holistic approach', 'teaching tennis as open skill sport', 'game based approach')
  • Applying cooperative coaching  and discovery teaching styles.
  • Develop a skill according to the different stages of learning
  • Coach creates positive learning environment.
 Demonstrate understanding of the holistic approach in developing players
  • Improvement programme and training session plan shows that the content is set to the level and needs of the players (mental, tactical, technical and conditioning)
  • During the interview after the training session coach is able to define the link between mental, tactical, technical and conditioning elements.                                                                                                                              
  • How was your lesson? If you were to deliever the lesson again what would you do differently? Then follow on on specific elements of mental, tactical, technical and conditioning. Should there be something in here about the player as a person? i.e. Tell me about your player what did you find out about them
Develop an improvement plan (series of lessons) including competitionDevelop an improvement program (series of sessions)
  • Programme contains key (SMART) goals. 
  • Programme contains tasks and criteria for achieving defined goals.
  • Timing of the proposed tasks and activities is in alignment with the 'two-cycle' periodisation. 
 Design and document a session plan.
  • Is typed/written by using a template in an understandable way.
  • Contains key elements of the session (warm up, main part and cool down).
  • Theme of the lesson as well as the proposed drills are related to player needs, age and ability. 
  • Planned drills are linked to the aim of the session
  • Session preparation contains the principle 'open-close-open'. 
  • Court set-up, use of targets and equipment are defined and related for the aim of the session.
  • Session plan contains duration and resting time related to the goal of the drill.
  • Planed rotations of players enable adequate work:rest ratio according to age and playing level.
  • Timing of activities is accurate and achievable.
Ensure safetyIdentify and assess constrains and risks associated with delivering the activity.
  • Court set up is safe with players and equipment well-spaced.
  • Risks associated with movement around the court are identified (e.g. not running past the net post or into net). 
  • Players are aware of risks during pre 'activity' talk.
  • Coach has displayed the knowledge about the emergency procedures in case of injury (able to list the key elements of the emergency procedures).
  • Coach has displayed the knowledge about the emergency procedures in case of fire (according to the occupational and health legislation).
 Organise and effectively implement fundamental first-aid procedures.
Organise players and equipment prior to the lessonEnsure players are ready to play (i.e. injury free, motivated and ready).
  • Coach check that all players are on court and ready to play prior to the start of the session.
  • By using questioning skills, coach identifies physical and mental state of the players prior to the session (i.e. possible injuries, mental fatigue)
 Facilities and resources required for the lesson together with needed teaching aids and equipment are identified and ready.
  • Session plan contains the appropriate racket, balls and court size for the player (s).
  • All required equipment and teaching aids are documented.
  • Facilities, i.e. tennis court (s) are ready for the session.
  • Coach prepares and stores the needed equipment prior to the session in the appropriate place on the court by taking into account the safety of the players.
  • Equipment and teaching aids are sourced and utilized in the session.
Create and maintain learning environmentCoach identifies, agrees and designs the player's goal(s) for training and competitions with the player in order to meet the player's needs.
  • Coach understands and can list the key factors of the learner centered coaching. 
  • During the interview after the training session coach is able to define training and competion goals by observing player's game and link it with the relevant area (mental, tactical, technical or conditioning)
  • Demonstrate ability to identify training and completion goals by observing player's game and link it with the relevant area (mental, tactical, technical or conditioning)
  • Coach can define one general goal for the whole group.
  • To agree and set tournament schedules for 2 players (one 10U and one over 10 years).
  • To connect the training goals with the competition goals and schedules for one 10Uplayer and one over 10 years.
 Create and maintain a positive learning environment.
  • Players are encouraged and supported to take responsibility for their learning.
  • Strategies are used to build relationships between players (e.g. cooperative partner activities so both can achieve success and are engaged.)
  • Coach creates eye contact, smiles, moves around the court in a dynamic way, has open gestures. 
  • Coach interacts with the whole group equally and is encouraging players verbally and non verbally.
  • Coach stimulates interest by providing a reason why the drill will be helpful.
 Facilitate group dynamics to maintain engagement of all participants and ensure individual and group enjoyment.
  • Transitions time between activities is minimal with all players knowing what is required of them.
  • Applied physical intencity matches players’ age/ability to ensure continual success of all players.
  • Group and assign players according to the level of play, age, gender, developmental and other criteria.
  • Coach should recognize the balance of different sexes in the group and apply appropriate drill(s).
  • Players spend equal time on each activity.
  • Coach spends equal time with all players.
  • Coach ensures that all players play with one another, and if necessary with the coach.
 Recognise and manage inappropriate behaviour in a fair and equitable manner, in order to maintain an effective learning environment.
  • Coach identifies and manages counterproductive behavior.
  • Sets boundaries/rules regarding safety issues and consistently enforces these (e.g. kids wearing hats, not swinging when waiting, moving balls off court)
  • Coach is aware of conflict between players and addresses the issue. (e.g. changing partners, moving groups)
Apply effective leadership and communication skillsDemonstrate effective leadership before, during and after activity.
  • To lead the players and parents in training or during the competition and inform them about player's progress.
  • Able to give explanation to parents and players at the start of the session (training or competition).
  • Activities are organized in a manner which maximizes participation.
  • Demontsrate abilty to solve the issues arising during the session by maintaining a relaxed environment.
  • The coach is able to stop the group and call them around at an appropriate time.
  • During practice coach is able to rotate players effectively (all players know what is required from them).
  • To conclude the session or competition with a short summary or presentation to players and parents.
 Select and apply engaging communication and presentation skills suited to the learning needs of beginner to intermediate players.
  • Demonstrate ability to apply and link different communication styles with different tasks during training sessions.
  • Show empaty for a player by being 'caring' for his/her development (ie. Support and motivate player when is frustrated by not succeeding in give task)
  • Uses players’ names.
  • Coach's verbal and non-verbal communication are aligned.
  • Speaks clearly and is audible to all players (ability to project the voice over one tennis court).
  • Positions himself so they can be seen and heard by the group.
  • Uses, recognizes and responds to non-verbal communication.
  • Demonstrate active listening (i.e. makes eye contact).
  • Uses non-sexist language.
 Information is presented to meet the needs of beginner/intermediate players and meet the requirements of the skill identified to be developed.
  • Can explain or list the characteristics/benefits of individual and group lesssons.
  • At the beginning of the session the coach explains:
  •  Theme and goals                                                                                                                                             
  • Safety considerations
  • Information is mainly presented by using demonstrations or 'guiding layers to find a solution' rather than by verbal explanations.
  • During interview with the assessor coach is able to provide argument(s) why this teaching point will improve performance.
 Give appropriate feedback.
  • Coach is able to differentiate between group and individual feedback. 
  • Circulates when providing feedback (scans entire group constantly and intervenes each time there is a “coachable moment”).
  • Coach praise the skill when performed according to the previously agreed standard.
  • Provides honest, specific and when necessary prescriptive feedback in an encouraging manner when the skill is not performed correctly (e.g. rather than saying “your backswing is too high", says “your backswing should be like this" – and then demonstrates correct swing).
  • Applied ratio of praise and criticism reflects the situation during the drill.
  • Feedback is brief and players return quickly to the activity.
  • Gives feed back according to the level of relevance/importance:                                 
    1. feed back related to saftety of a player                                                       
    2. feed back related to the player's attitude                                                 
    3. feed back related to player's performance
  • Give feedback to parents and players at the end of a match or the event as required.
Demonstrate appropriate playing abilityDemonstrate playing ability level of ITN 4 or 5.
  • Demonstrate stroke consistency and accuracy needed to maintain the rally with players up to ITN-6 level.
  • Coach can executes conformity and function of technical elements.
  • Conformity:
    1. Grip.
    2. Breathing and athletic look.
    3. Set-up (judging, footwork, balance).
    4. Preparation of body/racquet before the bounce.
    5. Flexion and extension of legs.
    6. Coordination of arm/shoulder (rotation).
    7. Racquet path and hitting zone.
 Appropriate use of different types of feeding skills (hand, drop, basket, and rally).
  • Feeding tests.
  • Court positioning of player(s) and coach provide players´ safety (ie. not able to hit another player with a racket or run into each other).
  • The coach is able to link the feeding position to the tactical situation/intention of the player.
  • Feeding rhythm and frequency are linked to player's level and skill to be developed.
  • Feeding accuracy (direction, height, and depth) is linked to player's level and skill to be developed.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the progressive use of feeding techniques.
Demonstrate understanding of skill acquisitionDemonstrate understanding of fundamental motor abilities as well as perceptual and movement skills to be developed (awareness of standards).
  • Coach can explain/give rationals for the tactics used by beginner and intermediate players according to their age and the level of play
  • Coach can explain the evolution of the game from red up to regular court
  • Coach can develop through drills the player’s game from red up to regular court
  • Session has a tactical theme which is reinforced in each activity and is linked to age/ability.
  • Through applied drills coach demonstrates understanding of  'stay in the point'/(prevent, gain time), 'creating advantage'(opening the court) and 'finish the point' (hit a winner).
  • Players understand "why" they are doing an activity (e.g. Why aim high over the net or to keep ball in play, etc.)
  • Cones/target areas are used to reinforce the tactical objective.
 Applied teaching methods are appropriate to the developmental age, stage of skill development and individual needs of beginner/intermediate players.
  • Planned activities include cooperative and competitive rallies between players as well as the coach with a player (s).
  • Select and apply preferable teaching method according to the goal of the drill.
  • Select and apply preferable mode of learning by the individual player.
  • Develop skills according to the stages of learning.
  • Apply different types of practice (massed, blocked, random, continuous and variable) during the session related to the aim of the session/drill.
 Able to set up the drill.
  • Time for explanantion and demonstration of the drill match the time defined in the session plan.
  • Coach can link the demonstration in slow motion with the explanation of the key elements of the drill.
  • Establish Organizational Elements:                                                                                                                                                                                
    People Positioning - Formation of columns & Groupings provides safety and physical intencity which is related to the goal of the drill.                                                                                                                                                             Movement Pattern - players understand where to start, where to move to hit shot, where to recover after shot and where to move in order to rotate. 
    ​Target areas and scoring systems are used to reinforce the tactical objective.
 Demonstrate understanding and apply through drills aimed to develop motivation, emotional control, concentration and self-confidence.
  • Session preparation shows anticipation of mental factors popping-up during the lesson.
  • During the session coach helps develop and/or corrects mental factors related to the aim of the drill.
  • Coach uses drill/learning activity to address mental factors.
 ABC (agility, balance, co-ordination) & EPS (Endurance, power, speed): Understand and apply the appropriate exercises, drills and games to develop these skills in beginner/intermediate players.
  • In the session plan the relation between practice goal and exercise is clear.
  • The selected drill (s) develop the motor ability.
  • On court: the drill helps the player to improve the skill.
 Demonstrate knowledge and through the use of drills apply the key aspects of strategy and tactics for singles and doubles for beginner/intermediate players.
  • Coach can explain/give rationals for the tactics used by beginner and intermediate players according to their age and the level of play
  • Coach can explain the evolution of the game from red up to regular court
  • Coach can develop through drills the player’s game from red up to regular court
  • Session has a tactical theme which is reinforced in each activity and is appropriate to age/ability.
  • Through applied drills coach demonstrates understanding of 'building up'(opening the court), 'finish the point' (hit a winner) and 'stay in the point'/'gain time' (prevent).
  • Players understand "why" they are doing an activity (e.g. Why aim high over the net or to keep ball in play, etc.)
  • Cones/target areas are used to reinforce the tactical objective.
 Demonstrate through drills the ability to develop a player in 5 game situations, and also zones and phases of play, according to tactical intentions and other factors that influence tactics.
  • Players are questioned to explain tactial reasoning for decisions made (e.g. If in defensive position where should you hit the ball?)
  • Coach ask questions in order to check player's understanding of the tactical intentions and their link with the particular game situation.
  • Coach insures the practice quality by keeping players' focus on the previously agreed tactical intention / decision.
  • Insure the practice quality by maintainig players' attitude and commitment in order to achieve the goal(s) of the drill.
  • Applied progressions/regressions lead to players' improvement.
 Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental aspects of stroke production applied to each type of stroke (grips, phases of stroke, swing patterns, footwork, effect of spin and tactical implications of a shot).
  • The lesson preparation shows understanding of arranging an optimal learning situation (adequate tactical context for developing specific technical skills)
  • When introducing or explaining the skill coach correctly identify key elements of the stroke.
  • Coach correctly link the tactical implication with the explanation of the key elements of the stroke in particular game situation.
  • The practice situation is fully linked to the intended development/shaping of the movement
 Provide correct demonstrations of the key technical fundamentals of the basic strokes for beginner/intermediate players.
  • Coach can link the demonstration with the explanation of the key elements of the stroke and biomechanical principles.
  • Demonstrate a position whereby players can see the coach’s racket and hear what is being said.
  • Coach provides appropriate number of demonstration(s) until player(s) is able to 'see'/understand the coaching point.
  • Players are provided with an opportunity to mirror the coach and gain feedback on their swing pattern (i.e. if coach has back to players - use same hand, if facing players - use opposite so they can mirror coach)
  • Demonstration is clear and accurate and should be accomplished within previously agreed time (ie. 1,5 minute).
 Demonstrate understanding and apply through drills the factors which affect ball control when playing tennis (direction, height, depth, spin, speed).
  • Applied drills are reinforcing identified/selected coaching points throughout the seesion.
  • Applied improvement/correction methods are releted to the selected coaching point..
  • Practice situation and teaching aids (targets, net height and ball) support each other in developing selected coaching point
  • Drills respects player's age and ability level.
  • Player show improvement by at least showing awareness and tries to implement the coaching point.
Analyse and improve playersCreate situations in order to observe the skill (s) to be developed.
  • The coach positions himself to ensure he can see all players at all times. 
  • The coach positions himself to ensure that he can see the observed element (i.e. to be aligned with the right side of the body when observing the forehand's contact point, of a right handed player). 
  • Coach creates several tasks linked to the given stroke and selected tactical intention in order to identify technical element to be improved. (i.e. Forehand stroke behind the base line in defensive situation, using different directions for creating advantage, etc).
 Analyse individual/group progress and select the appropriate corrective strategies related to technical, tactical, psychological and motor elements.
  • The practice situation is fully linked to the intended development/shaping of the movementel.
  • Progression/regression activities are implemented to ensure the that each player is challenged and motivated.
  • Activities are progressed/regressed accordingly to facilitate player improvement and success.
  • Progression/regression activities for technical and tactical skills are integrated.
  • Player show improvement by at least showing awareness and tries to implement the coaching point.
  • Coach is reacting to players non-verbal signs (frustration when there I sno success as drill is to difficult / boredom when drill is to easy)
  • Regression activities are provided if player is unable to perform the skill or component of the skill successfully 
 Facilitate skill development through employing appropriate progressions and regressions.
  • The practice situation is fully linked to the intended development/shaping of the movementel.
  • Progression/regression activities are implemented to ensure the that each player is challenged and motivated.
  • Activities are progressed/regressed accordingly to facilitate player improvement and success.
  • Progression/regression activities for technical and tactical skills are integrated.
  • Player show improvement by at least showing awareness and tries to implement the coaching point.
  • Coach is reacting to players non-verbal signs (frustration when there I sno success as drill is to difficult / boredom when drill is to easy)
  • Regression activities are provided if player is unable to perform the skill or component of the skill successfully 
Run competitionsDemonstrate understanding of the rules of tennis with special emphasis on rules when playing without the chair umpire.
  • To explain to players and parents the scoring system which will be used in matches 
  • To explain to players and parents the procedures to settle disputes
  • To referee a one day event and facilitate all matches without chair umpires
  • To demonstrate knowledge of the rules of tennis
 Assign the players to groups/teams/matches according to the selected competition format.
  • To create and populate the draw for a variety of tournament formats
  • To create and work to an order of play that brings the tournament to a successful and on time completion. 
 Use different scoring systems for beginner/intermediate players.
  • Applied scoring systems are related to the purpose; competition or the drill/game.
  • To use:
    - tiebreak timed format
    Shortened set (1st to 4 games)
  • Applied scoring system(s) ensure rotation and equal involvement of all players.
Create and apply development plan for tennis organisationsEstablish a basic development/promotion plan for the tennis organisation.
  • Reviewing an existing programme by using a SWOT analysis.
  • Reviewing an existing programme regarding income and expenditure
  • To establish and implement a plan to promote the existing programme  including examples of promotion.
  • Develop an appropriate action plan to achieve the identified goals
  • The coach is able to create a meeting agenda and keep the minutes of the meeting
 Use a basic assessment tool to evaluate the programme.
  • To maintain financial records to track progress of the club programme against the plan for a 3 month period.
  • To conduct a customer survey at the start of the planning process to establish the views and needs of the players/parents.
  • To show attendance records for the different parts of the programme and re-set goals based on this.
Reflexe and evaluate activitiesAble to asses player's performance in compettion.
  • Can apply basic mach charting
  • Is able to define and recognize evidences related to player’s playing level.
  • Can identify goals for training and competition relaetd to player's age and playing level.
 Explain and evaluate own coaching performance by identifying own strengths and weaknesses.
  • Coach is able to answer (assessor's)questions without feeling attacked. Explaining instead of defending.
  • Coach is able to define(explain) what he has learned from the series of lessons.
 Review the activity effectiveness in relation to aims and objectives.
  • Coach is able to evaluate the effectiveness of the activity by linking the aims and outcomes.

Coach of Advance Players (ITN 3 - 5)

The coach of advanced players is defined as a coach who is able to effectively and safely coach players of this level of play on his own and may work under supervision reporting to more qualified coaches and, if needed, supervise assistant coaches.
For further reference, the competencies defined for the course of coach of advanced players fall into the “coach” category of the Long-term coach development model.

Learning outcomePerformance criteria 
Design annual plan Outline program structure based on available training and competition opportunities
  • Can collect and relates athlete information (age, stage of sport development, specifities in growth and development, actual ranking) 
  • Define competition schedule and number of tournaments during the program 
  • The prepared plan contains distribution of training and competitive periods related to the player's age and goals set.
  • Can define length of each period of the program (preparation, competition, and transition) 
  • Identify number, duration, and frequency of training sessions in each period of the program (general preparation, specific preparation, pre-competition, competition, transition/rest) 
  • Can create a player profile.
  • The prepared plan contains mental, tactical, technical and conditioning elements according to the periodisation in 'two-year cycle'.
  • Provides summary of the interviews with a player about ambition, feasibility and commitment.
 Identify program measures to promote athlete development
  • Within annual plan: 
  • Can identify whether there are training and competition opportunities required for player's development.
  • Can identify issues(threats) within the program and presents solutions that are consistent with long-term athlete development (national) norms. 
  • Identify athletic abilities for development throughout program plan. 
  • In case of player's injury can describe past and present condition.
 Can set outcome goals in terms of ranking, achievements, stroke intentions and ballintentions and ball characteristics
  • Withn annual plan:
  • Identify desirable ranking at the end of the plan.
  • Identify key tactical, technical, mental and physical skills to be developed (with special emphasize on skills related for achieving desirable ranking goals)
  • Established goals meet SMART criteria
  • Distribute development of the key technical, tactical, mental and physical skills to be developed for at least 18 weeks
  • Can create the report of conversation with player (training) past, ambition, self-image and expectations
  • Can create the report of conversations about competition and training evaluations. 
  • Provides fitness test and video analysis used for identifying training priorities 
 Organize and sequence training priorities and objectives on a weekly basis
  • Describes training goals within the performance factors for at least 18 weeks.
  • Determine the total number of training or practice sessions and their duration and calculate the total training or practice time within weekly plan 
  • Design weekly outlines and practice plan(s) that are consistent with the above for the different phases of the annual plan 
  • Create a one-week planner entry for each period of the program that correctly identifies main objectives and priorities for athletic abilities 
  • Strategically position training sessions relative to each other within the week that accounts for; anticipated fatigue levels, time necessary to recover from specific activities, training priorities, overall performance goals, and competitions scheduled in the short term 
 Develop player's individual gamestyle by taking into account player's individual characteristics (psychologycal, technical, tactical and body type).
  • Describe characteristics of recommended present game style (when playing 14U category) which will lead to the adult game style
  • Describe characteristics of expected player’s ‘adult’ game style based on actual characteristics
  • Able to give rationals for proposed game styel based on prepared player profile
 Design an emergency action plan
  • Present a complete emergency action plan the following critical elements: 
  • Locations of telephones (cell and land lines)
  • Emergency telephone numbers
  • Location of fully-stocked first-aid kit
  • Telepne of the person that needs to be informed
  • Directions or map for the evacuation
Adapt the plan according to players' needsDesign and apply a series of progressive exercises to improve players' technical and tactical skills (strengths & weaknesses)
  • Identify and respond to a teachable moments
  • Select and apply improvement/correction method for the selected teaching point and design the related exercise(s).
  • Progress player from basket (1), coach rally (2) drill to modified/regular (3) game situation by opening the skill
  • Clearly and correctly explain and demonstrates (or use related example) teaching point
  • Coach reacts to player’s frustration (player has no success or doesn’t understand the purpose) or boredom (drill is too easy) or see no reason to practice given drill) by progressing or regressing a drill
  • Maintain focus on shot effectiveness throughout teaching
  • Cover only one teaching point at time
  • Improve shot performance by the end of session
Plan and organize the logistics for a practice Identify appropriate logistics for practice by taking into account all relevant circumstances which may affect the training;
  • Select activities that are related to the time and location in seasonal plan 
  • Ensure activities contribute to the development of skill(s) and are related to the stage of skill development (Acquisition, Consolidation, Refinement) 
  • Indicate key factors (coaching points) that will be identified in the practice activities 
  • Identify duration of overall practice and each practice segment 
  • Describe planned activities through illustration, court diagram, and explanation 
  • Identify work–rest ratios related to the goal of the drill.
 Facilitate group dynamics to maintain engagement of all participants and ensure individual and group enjoyment.
  • Transitions time between activities is minimal with all players knowing what is required of them.
  • Applied physical intencity matches players’ age/ability to ensure continual success of all players.
  • Group and assign players according to the level of play, age, gender, developmental and other criteria.
  • Coach should recognize the balance of different sexes in the group and apply appropriate drill(s).
  • Players spend equal time on each activity.
  • Coach spends equal time with all players.
  • Coach ensures that all players play with one another, and if necessary with the coach.
 Able to work alone on 2 courts or lead and supervise 1-2 assistants during the lesson


  • Keep in touch with players on both courts by timed  communication.
  • Can create drills which will involve all players in the activity.
  • Players understand (have no queries) where to stay - go during rotations.
  • Can createb goals for assistants and distribute the tasks prepared.
  • Intervene in assistants lesson when:                                   
    - there is an issue related to players' safety                                 
    - the applied drills are not achieving the lesson goal - assistant is not in charge of players (can't manage bad behaviour and create deliberate practice)                                                                                    


 Identify appropriate activities in each part of the practice
  • Select activities that are related to the time and location in seasonal plan 
  • Ensure activities contribute to the development of skill(s) and are related to the stage of skill development (Acquisition, Consolidation, Refinement) 
  • Indicate key factors (coaching points) that will be identified in the practice activities 
  • Identify duration of overall practice and each practice segment 
  • Describe planned activities through illustration, court diagram, and explanation 
  • Identify work–rest ratios related to the goal of the drill.
Develop and master a skillProvide the appropriate quality and practice structure to develop and master the skill
  • Demand an attitude of excellence through focus and competitive spirit towards skill mastery 
  • Use the communication stylewhich will create a challenging environment and inspire quality training 
  • Creates enough volume of deliberate practice to master skill 
  • Basket/live/cooperation feeds are realistic (respects topics) and player(s) level of play
  • Coach demonstrates clear awareness of the players performance (both shot selection and effectiveness of shots) 
  • Coach displays commitment to high standard through relentless commitment on skill/teaching point by:                                                      
    o Communicate how and why the critical error(s) impact(s) performance, including implications from an injury prevention or from a tactical point of view where appropriate                        
    o Can identify potential impact(s) on individual that may result from incorrect execution of technical elements                                            
    o Can give arguments why the correction will have a beneficial effect on performance and how to improve performance using prescriptive interventions                                                                   
    o Use demonstrations to model correct performance       
    o Prescribe an activity and/or drill  which will lead t athlete to make correction/improvement in performance
 Open a skill during the session
  • Demonstrate minimum of two progressions before skill being completely open (i.e. to start with basket, followed by 'coach-rally' and 'partner rally' or 'modified game' drill)
  • Maintain the quality of the skill while systematically opening it
  • Challenge the decision-making while opening the skills
  • Provide timed and accurate feedback in 'play situation'
 Applied teaching methods are appropriate to the developmental age, stage of skill development and individual needs of advance players
  • During the session the coach demonstrates different teaching styles including guided discovery, buddy-teaching, etc. related to the goal of the drill. 
  • Coach can apply teaching style according to player’s profile (motivation/competence)
  • Coach can apply appropriate teaching methods and create adequate drills appropriate for the stage of learning.
  • Coach can recognize and adapt the teaching according to the player’s preferred way of learning
  • (visual, auditive or kinaesthetic)
  • During the lesson coach apply at least three different types of practice (massed, blocked, random, continuous and variable) related to the aim of the session/drill.
  • Coach use minimal sufficient instruction time.
Use engaging communication skillsUsing communication skills for creating optimal learning environment
  • Coach is 'in charge' by focussing on player(s)
  • Apply an appropriate communication style to create a challenging environment and inspire quality:                                           
    • Demonstrate commitment to high standards by using voice to demand effort and focus to the task                                                      
    • Ensure quality by using positive, challenging language and appropriate feed back
  • Ensure all players have the following attitude:
  • a)Focused look                                                                                      
    • Shows a high level of engagement to the task                             
    • tracking ball for quality movement and timing                
  • b) Competitive spirit                                                                              
    •  Challenging themselves to get the most from our ball                                       
    •  Challenging themselves to beat their opponent or PB as appropriate
  • c) Athletic look                                                                                   
    • Commitment to athletic movement                                                   
    • Athletic height (posture) 
 Gives appropriate feedback to player during practice
  • Can explain the reasons for giving a feedback
  • By giving feed back coach's priorities are:                                            1.Safety                                                                                                   2.Atittude                                                                                               
    3. Performance
  • Coach reacts to (non) verbal communication of player
  • Responds to a result of player's effort and praises the skill when performed according to the previously agreed standard.
  • Circulates when providing feedback (scans entire group constantly and intervenes each time there is a “coachable moment”).
  • Provides honest, specific and when necessary prescriptive feedback in an encouraging manner when the skill is not performed correctly (e.g. rather than saying “your backswing is too high", says “your backswing should be like this" – and then demonstrates correct swing).
  • Feedback is brief and players return quickly to the activity.
  • Use effective questioning to enhance/confirm understanding which leads towards solutions.
 Understands the importance of coaching behaviour in the motivation of players
  • By candidate signed professional code is included in the file.
  • Can describe and give rational for own coaching philosophy (objectives in coaching)  
  • Uses coaching style related to the goal of the lesson.
  • Knows ambitions of the player.
  • Gives examples of positive response to the possibilities, aspirations and actions of the player.
Make ethical decisionsApply ethical decsion-making process
  • Make Ethical Decisions by using the following steps:                                       
    o Appropriately use of language
  • o Identify potential decisions that could be made or actions undertaken, and consider what might result in each case
  • o Select an option for the decision that is consistent with the pros identified                                                                                       
    o Identify the pros and cons of each potential decision that could be made                                                                                      
    o Correctly recognize the moral dilemma(s) present in a complex, context-specific situation                                                   
    o Apply the “Do no harm principle” in the process of validating the option for decision
Apply tennis specific warm-upSet-Up, demonstrate and run a Tennis specific warm-up depending on age, ability of the players, weather conditions, type of session, etc.
  • Warm up achieves the following objectives:                                                                                     
    · Increasing body temperature                                                               
    ·  Focusing player's mind on the following session                          
    ·  Increasing joints mobilty important for tennis      
  • Selected drills are tennis specific and related to the main part of the session     
  • Create a “high level of demand” as it pertains to ensuring a high performance environment via a focused and athletic look by emphasizing at least one of the following:                                          
    · athletic position                                                                                    
    · on toes, constant motion                                                                       
    ·  attitude of seeing the ball early (“big eyes”)                                      
    ·  breath out and muscle relaxation                                                      
    ·  attitude of hitting at correct impact point                                     
    ·  self correct mistakes (never make same error twice)
Improve player's gameDevelop player's game through improving their effectiveness in the 5 strategies of consistency, control space, control time, use strengths, exploit weaknesses
  • Identify/define the strategy for improving players’ effectiveness in the match according to his age and level of play
  • Design drills for improving selected strategy
  • Able to give rationals for the selected drills why it should improve player's effectivness
 Can set up specific tactical situations (patterns) that are appropriate to gamestyle and strategy
  • Coach can identify player's strengths(weapons)
  • Coach can give examples about patterns relevant for a prsonality and body type based on player's weapon(s)
  • Coach is able to make a player aware of his weapon(s) by using videos, match charting etc.
  • Coach is able to progress the pattern from close to the open game situation
Develop decision making skillsImprove decision-making tactical performance and develop player's independance
  • Present the tactics:
  • Present to players the tactic including the logic (rationale) for the different tactical responses (as per topic)
    ·  Explanation of the rationale for the decision is logical
    ·  Correct demonstration of the rationale for the decision
    ·  Concise presentation (no more than 3 minutes) 
  • Set up and run the decision making drill:
    ·  use basket to provide appropriate volume
    ·  respect topic and decision selected
    ·  feed from appropriate place to ensure drill is realistic
    ·  feeds are accurate and appropriate for level of players
    ·  target and ball trajectory required is made clear and realistic for topic
    ·  provide adequate feedback on whether decision is in agreement with the previously set standard (or clue)
    ·  praise decision when quick or correct in agreement with the previously set standard / clue)
    ·  ensure quality of the shot(s) 
  • Open decision making drill:
    ·  uses a game situation that respects the topic
    ·  drill has scoring system and rotation system
    ·  initial feed respects the topic
    ·  players on both sides are positioned in a relation to the topic
    ·  initial feed is accurate and related to the topic as well as level of players
    ·  targets and ball trajectory required is made clear and realistic for topic
 Use questioning and listening skills to help develop understanding
  • Coach is using 70% of the time dialog (created by questioning) when explaining new skill or guiding players during practicing the skill
  • Coach intervene by using questioning when player apply 'inappropriate' tactical intention 
  • Coach gives instruction related to the skill that player is developing
  • Gives enough time to player to expresshim/her self
  • Shows elements of active listening                                                                                                          
    ·  Eye contact, nodding
    ·  Not interrupting player’s explanation (sentence)
    ·  Statements designed to show understanding
    ·  Repeating or rephrasing or adding new meaning
Develop mental skillsCreate player mental profile by assessening and evaluating mental skills
  • Coach can conduct and interpret simple mental assessments
  • Can explain (give rationales) how will improvement of particular mental characteristic(s) (ie. concentration) influence player’s game
 Construct and implement tennis specific on court exercises within training session for developing speed, agility, coordination, power and endurance
  • Create player mental profile by assessing and evaluating mental skills 
  • In the session plan the relation between practice goal and exercise is clear.
  • Can give rationales why the selected drill will improve particular ability/skill (understand and can explain definitions of mental abilities and skills)
  • On court: the drill obviously helps the player to improve the skill.
  • Present the drill to the players in a way that inspires effort and which is linked to their performance when they compete                                                                                              
    ·  Inspire motivate players                                                                    
    ·  Link drill to improving performance in a specific aspect of play when competing                                                                                          
  • Build confidence in a player by improving independence                                                                           
    > Coach delegates responsibilities to the player during and apart from the practice.                            
    > Coach can act as assistant to the player
  • Build confidence in a player by improving emotional control                                                                               
    > Coach can apply the elements of 'standard rituals' before and during the match for particular player           
    > Coach can develop player's self-observation skill and use it within match situation in order to apply  measures for increasing or decreasing the arousal level                                                                                   
    > Coach can develop player's self-observation skill and use it within match situation in order to apply measures for increasing or decreasing the arousal level                                                                                   
    > Can pass the understanding that mistake is just a label
  • Build confidence in a player by improving motivation                                                                          
    > Coach can set up performance goals by using SCORE method                                                                  
    > Coach can prepare the positive match plan by using performance goals when playing against the opponent of the same, lower or higher quality (considers coach's knowledge about own and opponent game styles, strength and weaknesses...)
  • Build confidence in a player by improving concentration                                                                      
    > Focusing on key point in the match 'ball bounce on your side'                                                                          
    > Coach can develop player's switch from internal narrow to external broad focus                                          
    > Coach can teach that player is playing 'one point in the time'                                                                             
    > Can teach a player to apply adequate visual strategy according to the game situation
Develop technical skillsDetect and select the improvement point
  • In the match situation detect the game situation in which player is not efficient because of technical flaw / mistake
  • Establish a game situation to evaluate the player 
  • Agree on appropriate tactical intention (and shot selection) 
  • Selected teaching point is reflecting the technical breaking point relevant for improving technical efficiency  (power or control)
  • Select a priority, a point of emphasis/focus related to:  i.e. conformity, function and/or ball control                                             Conformity                                                                                                   
  • oGrip                                                                                                        
  • o Set-Up                                                                                                  
  • o Impact Point                                                                                        
  • o Hitting Zone                                                                                           oRecovery                                                                                                 
  • Function                                                                                                     
  • o Balance                                                                                                   
  • o Inertia                                                                                                   
  • o Opposite force                                                                                       
  • o Momentum                                                                                          
  • o Elastic energy                                                                                        
  • o Kinetic chain                                                                                      
  • Ball Control (and if applicable, the appropriate PAS)                     
  • o Direction                                                                                               
  • o Height                                                                                                    
  • o Speed                                                                                                       
  • o Spin                                                                                                          
  • o Distance
 Design technical interventions that promote learning
  • Technical interventions are related to specific game situation
  • Provide arguments for how teaching point will improve performance
  • For each teaching point:                                                                 
    Provide rationale of how teaching point will improve performance         
    Select teaching point based on level of player and observation)             
    Selected teaching point is reflecting the technical breaking point         
    Clearly and correctly explain and demonstrates (or use adequate example) teaching point                                                                                     
    Praise regularly when the teaching point is achieved                                 
    Bring awareness and encourage a change in behaviour when teaching point is not being achieved                                                                                    
    If player is struggling with teaching point, take appropriate measures (i.e. break teaching point down via a progression) 
  • Cover only one teaching point at time 
  • Improve shot performance by end of session 
Implement physical training programmeImplement a physical development off court training session (prepared by conditioning expert)
  • Present the drill to the players in a way that inspires effort and which is linked to their performance when they compete                
    ·  Inspire motivate players                                                                    
    ·  Link drill to improving performance in a specific aspect of play when competing                                                                                         
    ·  Players understand the reason as well as the organization aspects related to the drill (ie. movement patterns)                                                
    ·  Drill organization respect SMART  
  • Set-up and run the drill ensuring the drill is safe, well organized and in a manner that ensures work-rest ratios and intensity realted to the energy system and physical component selected                                                                                                                                                          
    ·  Organize drill in a safe manner                                                                                                                                                       ·  Respect work-rest ratio for topic selected                                     
    ·  Respect a intensity for topic selected                                             
    ·  Respect #of reps, rest between sets, etc. for topic selected as per the outline presented 
  • Use leadership/communication to motivate the players to perform both as it relates to getting to every ball, putting every ball in the targeted area and ensuring good fundamentals whenever possible                                                                                 
    ·  Use motivating tone and body language                                           
    ·  Motivate players to get to every ball                                                 
    ·  Ensure player intensity stays within appropriate intensity for energy system being focused on                                                           
    ·  Reinforce/ensure fundamentals (set-up, timing, racquet and bodywork, recovery) when possible                                                     
    ·  Ensure focus of putting ball in target area with right trajectory throughout session                                                                                   
    ·  Ensure players are aware of their performance throughout drill.                                                                                                            
    ·  Provide feedback at the right time on the right thing, ex. encourage when the kids are slowing down and not all the time 
  • Conduct a wrap up of the session                                                          
    ·  Praise effort                                                                                               
    ·  Provide accurate and relevant summary of performance                   
    ·  Be interactive to see if players were aware of their performance and/or key points to remember
 Construct and implement tennis specific on court exercises within training session for developing speed, agility, coordination, power and endurance
  • Design an on-court drill for developing speed, agility, endurance, strength or power withing the tennis training session
  • Present the drill to the players in a way that inspires effort and which is linked to their performance when they compete                
    ·  Inspire motivate players                                                                    
    ·  Link drill to improving performance in a specific aspect of play when competing                                                                                         
    ·  Clearly communicate drill organization                                               
    ·  Drill organization respect SMART  
  • Set-up and run the drill ensuring the drill is safe, well organized and in a manner that ensures appropriate work-rest ratios and intensity for the energy system and physical component selected                                                                                                        
    ·  Clearly explain/demonstrate drill                                                        
    ·  Organize drill in a safe manner                                                            
    ·  Make required targets and ball trajectory clear and realistic            
    ·  Feeding is accurate and challenging for players level and for topic being focused on                                                                         
    ·  Start the drill slowly and gradually increase rhythm to ensure understanding by players                                                                         
    ·  Respect work-rest ratio for topic selected                                     
    ·  Respect appropriate intensity for topic selected                          
    ·  Respect #of reps, rest between sets, etc. for topic selected as per the outline presented 
  • Use leadership/communication to motivate the players to perform both as it relates to getting to every ball, putting every ball in the targeted area and ensuring good fundamentals whenever possible                                                                                 
    ·  Use motivating tone and body language                                           
    ·  Motivate players to get to every ball                                                 
    ·  Ensure player intensity stays within appropriate intensity for energy system being focused on                                                           
    ·  Reinforce/ensure fundamentals (set-up, timing, racquet and bodywork, recovery) when possible                                                     
    ·  Ensure focus of putting ball in target area with right trajectory throughout session                                                                                   
    ·  Ensure players are aware of their performance throughout drill.                                                                                                            
    ·  Provide feedback at the right time on the right thing, ex. encourage when the kids are slowing down and not all the time 
  • Conduct a wrap up of the session                                                          
    ·  Praise effort                                                                                               
    ·  Provide accurate and relevant summary of performance                   
    ·  Be interactive to see if players were aware of their performance and/or key points to remember
 Conduct and interpret results from a fitness assessment
  • Coach can explain a given test
  • Coach can conduct simple testing following the NA's testing protocol
  • Coach can interpret the testing results by using NA's norms
 Apply methods to enhance recovery, at the appropriate times and monitor a player’s recovery
  • Coach can describe the protocol for recovery after training session or a match
  • Coach can select and apply appropriate way of recovery depending on the length and intencity of the session or match
Analyze performanceEvaluate player's game and identifies priorities for training and competition
  • Can select / set up an appropriate assessment situation
  • Coach apply structured approach in observening the game by using template and previoussly established criteria
  • Can use match charting and other methods to show an understanding of outcome in terms of both the point and individual strokes
  • Identify, analyse and rank the strengths and weaknesses in a player’s game 
  • Identifies appropriate priorities and develop the necessary skills to be effective 
  • Submits the rational and evidences for the identification of priorities (charts, videos, stats) 
  • Tactical priorities are logical based on players game style and goals 
  • Provide an explanation of the technical, tactical, physical, and mental qualities required to reach goal and outline the ones your player needs, and already has and then how you will prioritize their development 
Coach at CompetitionPrepare Players for Match
  • Use an interactive approach to discuss match and agree on objectives. 
  • Ensure clarification of key points
  • Use leading questions
  • Maintain leadership in discussion. For example 
  • ·  Ensure discussion stays on topic and within allocatted time frame                                                                                                                 
    ·  Demonstrate respectful verbal and body language                        
    ·  Determine previous history of player with opponent                                 
    ·  Create a report on opponent                                                               
    -tactical tendencies
  • -mental profile
  • Explore how your player feels about the match. For example:          
    ·  Give player an opportunity to express how they feel                      
    ·  Identify appropriate mental preparation strategy for player                   
    §  Nervous – reassure, focus on what they do well and how they can exploit opponents weaknesses; employ relaxation techniques;                                                                                              
    §  Overconfident – attempt to alter perception of opponent, ensure level of challenge is raised;                                                      
    §  Distracted – employ distraction management strategy 
  • Agree on appropriate match plan objectives. For example:               
    ·  Identify keys to player having best chance to win/perform to their potential                                                                                           
    ·  Player can effectively implement objectives: 3-4 objectives maximum                                                                                                    
    ·  Objectives make sense with respect to player’s game style, strengths and weaknesses, and stage of development 
  • Provide final comment to player that identifies key element from preparation discussion. E.g: emotional support, i.e. “believe in yourself”, “play with confidence”; “you are well prepared, you have worked hard, you are ready”, etc. 
 Implement into Match Play – Pre-Match(routines)
  • Player’s Schedule before Match                                                               
    o Detail pre-match rest (quality of sleep the night prior to the match)                                                                                                        
    o Player nutrition and hydration pre-match 
  • Routine Day of Tournament                                                                    
    o Reflect on quality of player’s physical warm up                          
    o Help player achieve the ideal performance state: strategy to manage anxiety, focus, or manage distractions                                
    o Ensure player’s equipment is match ready: racquets and shoes in good repair bag is packed with overgrips, food, strings, hydrating liquids                                                                                      
    o Ensure that the tournament specific procedures (e.g., facility, rules, rain delay policies, etc.) are accounted for to enable a safe and positive competition environment                                                    
    o Clarify logistics and player behaviour expectations (nutrition, rest, attitude, etc.)/presence of player’s tennis specific warm up 
 Teach players how to behave in competitions and perform succesfully under pressure
  • Can explain the code of conduct to the players
  • Can explain to a player his ‘rights’ in a particular situation during the match (knowing the rules when playing without a chair umpire)
  • Can deifine the rules for respectful addressing of officials, own and opponent’s coaches and parents 
  • Can explain a player what he can and can not influence during the match (e.g. teach player to accept opponent’s good shots)
  • Corrects 'abuse' of racket and unauthorized usage by applying correction techniques such as:                                                             
    > rituals                                                                                                    
    > delayed reaction ‘counting loud 1-2-3’                                                                    
    > using ‘absurd’ – player should throw the racket after every point’
 Support players during match
  • Support athlete from the sidelines:                                                        
  • Show confidence and calmness and encouragement                      
  • Body language shows focus and engagement in match 
  • Reflect on your role at the tournament                                             
  • Focus on player while they were playing: aware of score and emotions of each point?  
  • Managing distractions: conversations with other players, parents, coaches
  • Helping player achieve ideal performance state
  • Player benefit of having coach at tournament  
  • Identify things to Start, Stop, Continue for next match/tournament 
 Prepares post match report based on match charting
  • Can use match charting and other methods to show an understanding of outcome in terms of both the point and individual strokes
  • Provide an explanation of the technical, tactical, physical, and mental qualities required to reach goal and outline the ones your player needs, and already has and then how you will prioritize their development 
  • Prepare a post match report that reflects match analysis:            
    ·  Identifies if objectives met (if yes why or why not)                       
    ·  Provides observations on player performance: what was done well, what can be improved                                                                 
    ·  Identify instances in match that changed/maintained match momentum                                                                                              
    ·  Identify what player needs to work on/ continue to work on based on this match 
  • Identify strategy for communicating observations and recommendations for next match / future 
  • Make adjustment to annual plan
 Post-match review with player
  • Use an interactive approach and leading questions to review match. For example:
  • What do they think happened? How did they feel about the match?              
  • Probe for more insight
  • Let the player speak first
  • ​Maintain leadership in discussion by:
  • Ensure discussion stays on topic and within allotted time frame    
  • ​Demonstrate respectful verbal and body language                        
  • Show empathy if player lost 
  • Review match objectives by:
  • ​​Check as to whether player attempted to follow objectives          
  • Discuss to what level of success objectives were achieved            
  • Finish on a positive note with something that the player did well 
  • Review other key match findings by:                                                
  • Discuss any key situations/points which made a difference            
  • Review what the player needs to continue to work on during practice 
  • Finish on a positive note: e.g., an objective that was followed very well, commend the player’s competitiveness/effort, or highlight anything else that the player should be proud of.
 Post match considerations and overall reflection
  • Before speaking to player after match: 
  • Identify if timing of discussion is different if player wins or loses and why 
  • Identify strategy for covering the match objectives set before play 
  • ​Identify strategy for covering results of match charting and making link to success in achieving pre-match objectives
  • ​Identify strategy for communicating observations and recommendations for next match / future tournaments 
  • Identify strategy for helping player recharge and prepare for their next match 
  • Ensure player completes “Player feedback to Coach Post Tournament Report” 
Manage a Program Set a development plan for organization / association
  • Include the list of all factors relevant to the formulation of objectives and implementation
  • Plan of action on work-study together with the list of other person (s) involved
  • Provide the results of internal and external analys
  • Create and conduct a survey in order to evaluate the programme
  • Identify and assesss programme resistors and indicates how to deal with them
  • Provide evaluation summary together with relevant evaluation methods.
  • Provide memo from the meeting with other person(s) regarding the evaluation
  • Description of improvement / adaptation of the plan following the evaluation
 Stick to the appointments/timetable.
  • Is always on time.
  • Does what it says / promises.
  • Submits on time the workbooks and/or tasks 
  •  Is consistent in the use of agreements.
 Can present effectively to individuals and small groups
  • Can prepare power point presentation with a logical structure:            
    o Intro slide with topics to be covered in the presentation                     
    o Elaborate each topic with maximum four slides                                        
    o Provide a summary ('so what') at the end of the presentation   
  • Use  clear and consize language when preseneting
  • At least two written evaluations of listeners
  • Presentation in Annex.
  • Provide self-evaluation of a presentation in written form
 Manage administrative and logistic aspects of the player development program
  • Complete player progress reports throughout 12 months :
  • o Monthly progress of player’s ranking
  • o Provide evidence of progress for key tactical, technical, mental and physical skills to be developed (with special emphasize on skills relevant for achieving desirable ranking goals)
  • o Provide video clip with key technical problem at the beginning and the end of the ‘Plan’ together with description of the problem and applied improvement drills
  • o Provide video clip with key tactical problem at the beginning and the end of the ‘Plan’ together with description of the problem and applied improvement drills                                                                                                  
    o Complete player assessment of relevant                                                          
    o Ensure privacy of information and take steps to maximize confidentiality performance factors 
Manage a teamConsults and collaborate with coaching team members
  • Written record of consultation with other coaches or the person(s) concerned.
  • Monitor values and set standards
Managing conflictsDevelop strategies to address and resolve conflicts in sport
  • Can explain common causes of conflict in SPORT
  • Act to prevent and resolve conflict due to misinformation, miscommunication, and misunderstanding 
  • Empower and enable athletes to resolve conflicts 
  • Resolve conflicts involving two or more individuals in a way to maintain a positive interpersonal relationship with those involved 
  • Establish strategies to address situations where athlete(s) do not meet expectations related to performance or behaviour
Manage travelling with a team or individual playerArrange and control the financial and oragnizational aspects for travelling with team or individual player
  • Propose budget for travelling with a team or a player (for at least 3 weeks in the row)
  • - Travelling expenses
  • - Accommodation and food
  • - Water, stringing etc. per player
  • - Coach’s fee
  • - Coach’s extra expenses (phone, extra meals etc.)
  • Provide the trip schedule and evidence for arranging the traveling tickets and accommodation/food during the trip
  • Provide a balance sheet after travelling with a Team or a player
Apply talent ID protocolsCan implement and interpret the tennis tests of the national talent ID protocol
  • Coach can conduct simple testing following the NA's Talent ID testing protocol
  • Coach can interpret and communicate the data to the club, parent and a player
  • Select players based on talent ID criteria deifined by the NA.
Promote healthy and drug free sportTake appropriate measures to promote drug-free sport
  • Identify and reinforce the consequences for the use of banned substances 
  • Provide educational opportunities to athletes on the use of nutritional supplements 
  • Promote and model philosophy of fairplay and drug-free sport as identified in NA'S legislation 
 Advises athletes on nutrition in relation to performance
  • Can explain the principles of healthy nutrition
  • Can advise a player regarding the pre, during and post match diat (can list of the appropriate food/drinks)
Evaluate own coachingReflect on own practice
  • Describes whether he has realized his training goals
  • Describes what went better than before and what is disappointing.
  • Can articulate own strengths
  • Can expresses self-criticism
  • Can articulate learning needs
  • Candidate comments on at least three evaluations carried out by him.
  • Candidate describes at least two development areas (under ‘Reflect on their own action) in 'SMART' terms.

Coach of high performance players

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